5 Mistakes to Avoid in Cannabis Labeling

In the changing world of the cannabis industry, getting product labels right has become super important for consumer safety and following the law. Whether you’re a new player or an old hand in the game, like Boulder dispensaries, there are lots of rules to follow when it comes to how you package and label cannabis. This article aims to help you avoid common cannabis labeling mistakes, ensuring users, particularly edible consumers, remain informed and safe.

1. Understanding Legal Compliance in Cannabis Labeling 

The legal framework for cannabis packaging is complex, differing greatly among jurisdictions, like Canada and the United States. One primary concern is kid-safe packaging, designed to keep cannabis products, including edible products and cannabis topicals, out of children’s reach. These packages often require a specific type of container, sometimes necessitating certification from a resistant package testing firm.

Moreover, businesses must consider container limitations and container requirements for various product types, including cannabis accessory items and cannabis plant seeds. Additionally, regulations may specify different requirements for the container by class, particularly when it involves cannabis for export.

Additionally, strict regulations govern the display format on products’ primary panel, often called the English display panel. These rules can include restrictions on logos, mandatory inclusion of the Universal symbol, and a cannabis health warning message. Non-compliance can lead to severe repercussions, including fines, the recall of cannabis products, and a tarnished reputation. The outermost container must also comply with these regulations.

Cannabis labeling: Cannabis rolls in a bottle with label indicating its ingredients

2. The Significance of THC Concentration in cannabis labeling

Accurate representation of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) content values, including the active ingredients in cannabis oil products, is paramount in cannabis product labeling requirements. Misstating these figures can have serious public health implications, given the adverse effects associated with consuming high THC concentrations. This precision is vital for both adult-use cannabis items and dietary supplements containing cannabis derivatives. The regular weight of the product, including its THC content, must be clearly stated in capital letters on the label.

For instance, edible cannabis items, like chocolate, must explicitly state the THC content per serving and the cannabis flavor utilized. This information guides users to consume responsibly, preventing unintended overconsumption and ensuring a safe experience. These products must prioritize consumer safety with detailed ingredient lists, not just cater to cannabis appeal.

3. Misrepresentation of CBD and THC Ratios 

The cannabis market is rife with products boasting varying CBD and THC ratios, which significantly influence the health effects users experience. A common mistake businesses make is the misrepresentation of these ratios, leading to consumer misinformation. Clear, accurate ratios on labels, including CBD per package, help consumers make informed decisions, contributing to safer consumption practices. This precision is also crucial when launching new products, particularly when declassifying cannabis from controlled substance schedules.

Cannabis labeling: a white bottle with cannabis label

4. Neglecting to Include Consumption Guidance 

Providing clear consumption guidance is a responsibility that all cannabis manufacturers and dispensaries must undertake. This is particularly relevant for edible products, where overconsumption can easily occur due to delayed activation for cannabis extracts. Guidance can include recommended serving sizes, the number of doses per package, and instructions for use, especially for cannabis comestibles and cannabis for export.

This information, beyond ensuring consumer safety, is vital for building trust in the legal cannabis industry. These comprehensive provisions are necessary across all classes of cannabis.

5. Inadequate Allergen and Ingredient Disclosure

Transparency in ingredient listing goes beyond the active THC and CBD content. It extends to a full disclosure of all contents, including food allergen sources, such as milk ingredients or fish ingredients, and whether the product meets food grade packaging requirements. 

For edible cannabis products, integrating practices from the food industry, including a Nutrition Facts table, calories per container, and a comprehensive ingredients list, becomes crucial. This approach ensures that labels meet FDA Preventive Controls for Human Food standards, aligning cannabis products with established food safety plans and food science principles. Additionally, businesses should eschew generic labels, ensuring complete disclosure of all botanical ingredients and any branding graphics.


Navigating the complexities of cannabis labeling requires a thorough understanding of legal mandates, consumer safety, and industry standards. By avoiding these common mistakes, businesses can contribute positively to the industry’s landscape. This ensures compliance, consumer trust, and high-quality standards in this burgeoning market. Understanding the extent of cannabis product information and regulations, from the outer container to the exterior display surface, is crucial for success.

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