How to Do a Perfect Cold Start Dab Every Time

Would you like to step up your cannabis concentrates game? If so, you should give the cold start dab a try. This method of producing cannabis extracts is gaining popularity, and for good reason. It’s a fantastic way to take pleasure from your concentrates without causing throat inflammation or harshness. We’ll go into great depth about how to perform a cold start dab in this blog post.

Cold Start Dab

Cold start dabbing, sometimes referred to as reverse dabbing, is a way of ingesting cannabis concentrates that entails heating the concentrate first before putting it onto the nail. In contrast, traditional dabbing calls for heating the nail before loading the concentrate.

As you might have guessed, the main distinction between the two styles is the temperature. The goal of a conventional dab is to get the nail extremely heated. It could reach a temperature of 500–900 degrees if you’re not careful. This high temperature might reduce vapor production and damage flavor. In hotter environments, a dab strike might deliver a powerful impact more quickly, but it also has disadvantages. The terpenes can be degraded and naphthalene and benzene are liberated.

Best Way To Do A Cold Start Dab

Here is how to perform cold start dabs:

  • As you would for a standard dab, set up your dab setup.
  • Make sure your nails are well-maintained.
  • Put a lot of paint on the nail.
  • Top with your carb cap.
  • Aim for the banger with your lit torch.
  • When the concentrate starts to evaporate and bubble, usually 6 to 10 seconds later, take a puff.
  • Between dabs, make sure to clean your nails.

Does a Cold Start Dab Outperform the Conventional Technique?

Cold start dabbing is preferred by some because they claim it is tastier and doesn’t cause the same harshness or throat irritation as standard dabbing. It’s also claimed to deliver a higher high that develops gradually over time.

The best thing about cold-start dabbing is that you won’t have to be concerned about the flavor of your concentrate deteriorating because you’ll get all of the smoke without any loss. Cold-start dabbing also has the wonderful benefit of not making you cough from overtaxing your lungs and throat, as many people do with standard dabs.

It saves time because the cold-start process takes half as long as traditional dabs to complete from setup to dabbing. Last but not least, because it uses less heat for a shorter period, cold dabbing is gentler on your equipment. Your equipment will last longer as a result.

Drawbacks To Cold Start Dabbing

Despite this, some people believe that cold start dabbing causes them to become stoned more slowly than they would with standard dabbing. Additionally, it takes a little more work to perfect the timing.

Additionally, some people simply feel that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Some people consider the practice of conventional dabbing to be perfected and don’t feel the need to change it up.

It all comes down to what you like in the end! Cold start dabbing is perfect for you if you want to try something new but don’t want any harshness or throat irritation. Otherwise, stick to the tried-and-true method of dabbing; it will never let you down!

Try out Cold Start Dabs!

Try cold start dabbing if you’re seeking a fun and novel way to consume cannabis concentrates! Although it could take some getting used to, we believe that once you taste the flavor and smoothness of this approach, you’ll be hooked.

It all comes down to what you like in the end! Cold start dabbing is perfect for you if you want to try something new but don’t want any harshness or throat irritation. Otherwise, stick to the tried-and-true method of dabbing; it will never let you down. Take advantage of the wide selection of cannabis concentrates at Helping Hands Dispensary in Boulder, CO.